The following information applies to Device Managers (a.k.a., Nodes). One can use the Event Channels to monitor when Device Managers join and leave the Domain.


/ redhawk / rest / domains / DOMAIN_NAME / deviceManagers

    "deviceManagers": [
            "name": "nodeName", 
            "id":   "nodeID"

This deviceManagers URL can be indexed using the id field of interest.


/ redhawk / rest / domains / DOMAIN_NAME / deviceManagers / DEVICEMANAGER_ID

    "name":     "TestNode", 
    "id":       "DCE:d0645c12-7962-414f-9969-2372635b1170"
    "properties": [ 
            "scaType":  "simple", 
            "id":       "HOSTNAME", 
            "value":    "localhost.localdomain"
            "scaType":  "simple", 
            "id":       "LOGGING_CONFIG_URI", 
            "value":    ""
    "devices": [ 
        /* List of name-id objects of Devices */
            "id":   "deviceId", 
            "name": "deviceName" 
    "services": [ 
        /* List of name-id objects for services */
            "id": "serviceId", 
            "name": "serviceName" 

The devices list can be indexed further by using the id field of interest (see Devices).

At this time, services are supported in name-only since it’s not possible to represent such a nebulous entity in a useful way through this interface.