At present the best way to get Messages and property change events out of rest-python is to attach the associated port (in REDHAWK) to a named event channel. Then subscribe to that channel name as your topic to read those messages and property events as they happen.


    "id":     "propertyId",
    "value":  [ 
        /* List of id-value pairs */
        { "id": "propertyId::field1", "value": 42 }

Messages are encapsulated as they appear on the event channel which is similar to struct Properties. The notable difference is the lack metadata (type, scaType, etc.).


    "sourceId":     "entityId",
    "sourceName":   "entityName",
    "properties": [
        /* List of Message-like objects */

The properties is a list of objects formatted like Messages, above, meaning each lacks any metadata usually associated with Properties.