Required Properties:

  • idl.namespace == "BULKIO"
  • idl.type == any("dataFloat", "dataDouble", "dataOctet", "dataShort")
  • direction == "Uses"

This socket provides both JSON and binary data. The JSON data is a representation of the SRI:

    "hversion": "hversion",
    "xstart":   0,
    "xdelta":   1.0,
    "xunits":   5,
    "subsize":  0,
    "ystart":   0,
    "ydelta":   1.0,
    "yunits":   "yunits",
    "mode":     "mode",
    "streamID": "streamID",
    "blocking": "blocking",
    "keywords": {
        "keywordID1": "keywordValue1",
        "keywordID2": "keywordValue2"

The binary data is a vector of the appropriate type of information.

NOTE: Those familiar with REDHAWK can see there is no stream ID to marry the SRI with the binary stream. At this time multiple streams on a socket will be interleaved in such a way that re-joining the SRI with the data may be impossible. This will be resolved in a future release when this interface transmits only binary as a Google Protobuf structure.