


The Component Service provides the service interface to a specific Component model in a REDHAWK system.




constructor(http: Http, restPython: RestPythonService, waveformService: WaveformService)


Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
http Http

The HTTP service for server callbacks

restPython RestPythonService

The REST Python service for URL serialization

waveformService WaveformService

The Waveform service that has this Component in it


configure$(properties: PropertySet, delayResponseMs?: number)

Calls 'configure' on the Component and then pulls an update of the model.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
properties PropertySet

The properties to 'configure' on the Component

delayResponseMs number true

The optional model update delay after sending the changes.

Returns : Observable<any>
setBaseUrl(url: string)

Internal, sets up the base URL

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
url string

Sets the base URL for this service

Returns : void

Internal, initiates the server call that uniquely identifies this entity to retrieve its model.

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Http }       from '@angular/http';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';

// Base class, served model, and properties
import { Component, PropertySet } from '../models/index';
import { PortBearingService }     from '../base/index';
import { PropertyCommand }        from '../property/property.module';

// URL Builder
import { RestPythonService } from '../rest-python/rest-python.module';

// Parent service & base class
import { WaveformService } from '../waveform/waveform.module';

 * The default delay in checking for a server response when using configure,
 * allocate, or deallocate.

 * The Component Service provides the service interface to a specific Component
 * model in a REDHAWK system.
export class ComponentService extends PortBearingService<Component> {

     * Constructor
     * @param http The HTTP service for server callbacks
     * @param restPython The REST Python service for URL serialization
     * @param waveformService The Waveform service that has this Component in it
        protected http: Http,
        protected restPython: RestPythonService,
        protected waveformService: WaveformService
    ) {
        super(http, restPython);
        this.modelUpdated(new Component());

        // If the waveform service changed, reconfigure.
            (cstat) => {
                if (cstat.uriChanged && cstat.success) {
                    this.reconfigure(this.uniqueId, cstat.uriChanged);

     * Internal, sets up the base URL
     * @param url Sets the base URL for this service
    setBaseUrl(url: string): void {
        this._baseUrl = this.restPython.componentUrl(this.waveformService.baseUrl, url);

     * Internal, initiates the server call that uniquely identifies this entity
     * to retrieve its model.
    uniqueQuery$(): Observable<Component> {
        return <Observable<Component>> this.waveformService.comps$(this.uniqueId);

     * Calls 'configure' on the Component and then pulls an update of the model.
     * @param properties The properties to 'configure' on the Component
     * @param delayResponseMs The optional model update delay after sending the 
     * changes.
    configure$(properties: PropertySet, delayResponseMs?: number): Observable<any> {
        let command = new PropertyCommand(properties);
        return this.http
            .put(this.restPython.propertyUrl(this.baseUrl), command)
            .map(response => {
                    this.delayedUpdate(delayResponseMs || DEFAULT_DELAY_RESPONSE_MS);
                    return response; // This will be null/undefined/empty

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