


The DeviceManagerService provides access to methods for retrieving the DeviceManager model as well as models of its devices and services.




constructor(http: Http, restPython: RestPythonService, domainService: DomainService)


Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
http Http

The HTTP service for server callbacks

restPython RestPythonService

The REST Python service for URL serialization

domainService DomainService

The Domain service that has this DeviceManager in it


Public devs$
devs$(deviceId?: string)

Retrieve a specific device or a list of devices in the Device Manager

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
deviceId string true

The Device model to fetch. If none, a list is returned.

Returns : Observable | Observable

Observable Device or ResourceRefs

Public services$
services$(serviceId?: string)

Retrieve a specific service model or list of services in the Device Manager Note: Services are not fully supported at this time.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
serviceId string true

The Service model to fetch. If none, a list is returned.

Returns : Observable | Observable

Observable any or list of anys.

setBaseUrl(url: string)

Internal, sets up the base URL

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
url string

Sets the base URL for this service

Returns : void

Internal, initiates the server call that uniquely identifies this entity to retrieve its model.

Observable DeviceManager

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Http }       from '@angular/http';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/catch';

import { DeviceManager, ResourceRefs, Device } from '../models/index';

// URL Builder
import { RestPythonService } from '../rest-python/rest-python.module';

// Parent service & base class
import { DomainService } from '../domain/domain.module';
import { BaseService } from '../base/index';

 * The DeviceManagerService provides access to methods for retrieving the DeviceManager model
 * as well as models of its devices and services.
export class DeviceManagerService extends BaseService<DeviceManager> {

     * Constructor
     * @param http The HTTP service for server callbacks
     * @param restPython The REST Python service for URL serialization
     * @param domainService The Domain service that has this DeviceManager in it
        protected http: Http,
        protected restPython: RestPythonService,
        protected domainService: DomainService
    ) {
        super(http, restPython);
        this.modelUpdated(new DeviceManager());

        // If the domain service changed, reconfigure.
            (cstat) => {
                if (cstat.uriChanged && cstat.success) {
                    this.reconfigure(this.uniqueId, cstat.uriChanged);

     * Internal, sets up the base URL
     * @param url Sets the base URL for this service
    setBaseUrl(url: string): void {
        this._baseUrl = this.restPython.deviceManagerUrl(this.domainService.baseUrl, url);

     * Internal, initiates the server call that uniquely identifies this entity
     * to retrieve its model.
     * @returns Observable DeviceManager
    uniqueQuery$(): Observable<DeviceManager> {
        return <Observable<DeviceManager>> this.domainService.devMgrs$(this.uniqueId);

     * Retrieve a specific device or a list of devices in the Device Manager
     * @param [deviceId] The Device model to fetch.  If none, a list is returned.
     * @returns Observable Device or ResourceRefs
    public devs$(deviceId?: string): Observable<Device> | Observable<ResourceRefs> {
        return this.domainService.devices$(this.uniqueId, deviceId);

     * Retrieve a specific service model or list of services in the Device Manager
     * **Note:** Services are not fully supported at this time.
     * @param [serviceId] The Service model to fetch.  If none, a list is returned.
     * @returns Observable any or list of anys.
    public services$(serviceId?: string): Observable<any> | Observable<any[]> {
        if (serviceId) {
            return this.http
                .get(this.restPython.serviceUrl(this.baseUrl, serviceId))
                .map(response => response.json())
        } else {
            return this.http
                .map(response => response.json().services)

results matching ""

    No results matching ""